Welcome to The Pocket
Exploring tools, concepts, and mindsets for navigating complex pockets of time
Hi, I’m Griff Foxley, creator and writer of The Pocket. I’m glad you found your way here. Your curiosity is appreciated, and I promise I will aim always to value your attention and bring meaningful content your way.
What is The Pocket?
By subscribing to The Pocket, you’ll be receiving email updates from me once or twice a week. I’ll be exploring the tools, techniques, and mental models that help in navigating complex pockets in life.
It might be tactical advice, online resources for productivity, or content I curate. The Pocket can also be a place to hone personal sovereignty and sensemaking. It can be a place to explore the path of resilience and growth in an organization. It can be a creative boost or a moment of zen. It can be a place to slow down, level up, tune in: a slipstream to slip into.
There will be short snippets and long form essays, always written with care. With an eye to the value of your attention always. So subscribe now! It’s 100% free, and it’s super easy to unsubscribe if it’s not for you.
I’m on a continuous learning journey and I’m keen to share it with you. I’m also hoping to build relationships with likeminded thinkers through this platform. So please don’t be shy. Reach out if you have any thoughts, comments, requests, or to just introduce yourself. I’d be glad to hear what brought you to The Pocket.
And by all means, if you know someone who’d benefit from The Pocket, please do:
To get you started, here’s some suggested posts:
“The Pocket”: Digging for the North Star is the manifesto personal essay that gives the clearest, most intimate rendering of what I’m doing here and why
Three Doses of Deep Smarts from Rocker Nick Cave is exemplary of some of the curated content I share
What’s in a “Win”? is an essay on how we can level up our creative pursuits and organizations by taking a systems view in the wake of a win